We at Missouri Leaded Glass, providing stained glass repair for Kansas city and the entire country, thank you for your visit to our site. Stained Glass is not a new concept and yet to most, there is a sizable gap in really understanding this ancient art form. We provide restoration, repair and original designed creations for stained glass (leaded glass) creations.
You may have divergent interests related to what we do in this art medium so whether restoring existing windows or replicating those that were lost through time, or storms, or creating new works of art, we are ready to assist you with extensive experience and always with practical options and time tested applications. If you are looking for restoring stained glass in Kansas City, or repaire of stained glass in Kansas City, We are just like a trusted relative or neighbor that you know has your confidence with this topic, and you are comfortable in asking about your particular interest in Stained Glass. We are more than happy to listen to you in a warm and welcoming way.
We restore, replicate or replace, or repair, and create stained glass windows and panels for a variety of applications form churches, to public buildings to historically registered structures; like Court Houses or Government Structures or Famous Places of Residence. We also apply stained glass to residential locations in all forms, as well from estates, to private homes, to rental properties.
What we offer is a very extensive range of stained glass applications from conventions work like religious depictions and a total range of any denominational art work including all forms of any religious affiliations not just Christian. We do specialize cultural applications like African Stained Glass. We do all of the techniques of stained glass making including high end paint work, etching, enameling, three dimensional overlays, in any artistic style and period. It ?s is the range that we provide that makes us different from most other studios.
We do not sell retail, in that, we only sell complete works of stained glass and not supplies or classes or things normally supplied in a retail outlet.
We sell to private individuals for stained glass repair for Kansas city to groups (such as churches, temples, synagogues) and government institutions in any form like township, cities, federal agencies and branches, and international entities in all of the above mentioned forms.
Our experience practical applications make us stand out from the competition. We do not do the cheapest work or do we try an cut corners when something as long last as stained glass should be.
We should be selected if we fit the standards and budgetary restrictions and time restrictions. We are very practical in sensible and our approach and we insist that the client is totally inform as to the options and detailed steps to each operation. The buyer is allowed to arrive at a comfortable and informed decision with what ever assistance we can provide.
We do nearly all of our work in studio but we can ship and transport to any location in the world. We also offer advise and consultations and given the circumstances on site assistance. We work with local contactors for the specific site work.
Be open to any an all options and be mindful that it is experience and practical use of stained glass that will make a satisfied customer. We have over thirty five years of such experience. We let them arrive at their own conclusions. Our minds are open and so is our door. So if you are looking to repair, restore or create new stained glass (leaded glass) in Kansas City or elsewhere, we’re here for you.